Winning and Overcoming

It is in your genetic makeup to win battles.  You won your biggest battle before you were conceived.  While you were yet still the seed of your biological father, you were the fastest and the strongest.  As a sperm, you had the ability to fertilize the egg.  You are “one in a million(s).”

Before you entered this world you had been chosen to be a winner.  You already have the experience to overcome.  You have within your spirit the facility of a champion.  Everyone who enters this world has within them the spirit of an overcomer. Understanding this truth gives us motive to continually adopt the attitude of an overcomer.

Every level of resistance in your life is not an address but a process. Resistance is not a place of permanence but a road to a destination. Resistance comes in the form of challenges, problems, tests and trials.  An overcomer uses a right attitude to overcome.  The fact that you have to overcome is evidence that the resistance in your life is a necessary factor in your growth and process.  It’s designed to  increase your capacity so God can trust you with more!

Overcoming is not an automatic item, no more than is a prophetic word.  Many times you have to fight, other times you have to stand, but usually you just have to believe. Overcoming is a result of a predetermined decision. The fact of the matter is that people simply choose what people want to do. It’s in that moment of choice that dreams may be canceled and purpose deleted.  The inability to choose is an ability to handicap one’s self.

Be an overcomer today, you are only one thought away from it.  God created you as one – why not be one?  Overcome – prevail over – triumph over – surmount and rise above the circumstances that are holding you back!

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)

Why is it that we have to be reminded so much about a fight that we’ve already won?  




  1. mario on August 31, 2011 at 2:43 PM

    I think we have to be reminded because is not alive in us. So we need to be motivated to believe again. The problem is that people don’t want to believe that they are already overcomers, because they don’t see the big picture. God has a plan to prosper us to fullness, but we don’t trust in His plan. The plan is a process and in that process many people lose heart, thats why they have to be reminded. But when the revelation of the victory lives in us, we will overcome every obstacle.

  2. Pedro Nieves on August 31, 2011 at 3:39 PM

    Good Word Pastor…….. My answer to your question is simple and short. “It’s Part of The Process”. :).

    OH by the way- today’s blog did not pop up as an alert on the email (well my email). I was just constantly following up on your blog and came accross today’s title.

  3. Andrea on August 31, 2011 at 6:11 PM

    I think we need to be reminded so much because it the heat of the battle, most of the time it feels like you’re losing and even at times, never ending. This may sound clicheish (if that’s a word) but I think we lack the peace to accept the things we can’t change, we lack the courage to change the things we can change & we lack the wisdom to know the difference.
    Personally, I know the fight is fixed & the battle is won but unfortunately like the Apostle Paul said in Romans, I believe 7, I do not understand why I do the things I know I shouldn’t do (paraphrasing 🙂
    My prayer is, God help us live victorious in this life

  4. Jalina on August 31, 2011 at 10:47 PM

    I agree with you Pastor why must we be reminded we already won the battle and all I can think of is that we loose faith. We are all human and go through challenges, problems, tests and trials that is called life and being alive. I believe that what truly makes us an overcomer is how we react to this situations, are we going to fall or stand. I am thankful for a Father that gives me the strength to overcome.

  5. Manny on August 31, 2011 at 11:08 PM

    Well Pastor we are always wiinners when we are with the Lord and we need overcome everything in life.

  6. Jaz Martin on September 3, 2011 at 9:10 PM

    I liked how you put it that we have been overcoming since we were conceived. God is awesome and he has equipped us with so much that we don’t even realize it. Now it is just time for us to connect and fine tune what is inside of us through prayer, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. May I not be lazy and realize I am a champion. Let’s do it.

  7. April on September 5, 2011 at 11:50 PM

    I really liked this blog. I love that we were the winners from conception. Never really looked at it from that point of view. Yes,God fashioned and created each and every single one of us, but being that champion takes it one step further. Maybe we get so caught up in things and our focus shifts that we forget we’ve already won. Each battle seems new and it feels like you always have to overcome it because that next level is right around the corner.

  8. januel on September 6, 2011 at 11:19 PM

    When you win you conquer that competition and when you are overcoming something is a challenge to see if you are willing to overcome it and stick to it.

  9. cindy shappy on September 8, 2011 at 10:01 PM

    I am reading a great book: Why Not You? It is all about Authentic
    Confidence . “Your confidence is based on who you are rather than
    what you do. You have faith in God’s promises, you trust Him in all
    things, and you allow your inner spirit to emerge in everyday inter-
    actions and activities. You maximize your talent, education, and skills
    as you feel led, and you trust God to do the rest.”