Ready to View! Enjoy!

Our Easter presentation is up and ready for viewing. We waited a week to post it because we ran it for the following week as well.

Its core message is about HONOR and about BETRAYAL.  It’s about the predilection we all carry in our hearts concerning the two. Do we all have a Judas nature?  Do we really honor God?  You make the call…

[wpvideo ZdRtFLDi]


  1. januel on May 5, 2011 at 6:29 PM

    It was the best play for Easter and it had a great meaning and it was evening better the second week after Easter.

  2. Jalina on May 6, 2011 at 7:22 PM

    Reading about the Last Passover or even seeing it on T.V. is nothing like seeing live. It was a great performance and reality check on how we betray GOD in so many ways. Praying that I continue to learn to Honor God.

  3. Manny on May 6, 2011 at 11:30 PM

    Well the play it was awsome and it shows that we have a judas in every crowd. so we have to show that we are not going to betray the lord like judas did.

  4. mario on May 10, 2011 at 2:35 PM

    We all have dishonor God. We become so familiar with the things of God, that we just lose value of those things and because of that we do acts like Judas of dishonor. The good thing is that God’s grace is always there. If it wasn’t for his grace we will be in big trouble.