
The proverbial roller coaster metaphor of the “up and down” inconsistency of the church, throughout history, is quite apparent.  If you’re any kind of student of church history, you’ll notice this pattern of irregularity and variation in the universal church’s beliefs, values and doctrine.

We, as individuals, are a microcosm of the corporate condition of the church. As a matter of fact, our collective personal conditions determine the corporate condition of a family, church and nation.

It’s a lie to believe that one person doesn’t make a difference.  That “one person” can be the difference maker in regards to judgment.  God did say to Abraham that if ten righteous people remained in Sodom and Gomorrah, He would not destroy it. (Gen. 18).  I believe Abraham could have taken God down to just one person!

The fight has always been about faith.  Our actions and decisions always reflect our belief system.   Behavior is always a result of belief.   And belief is not attained by behavior modification, rather by the acceptance and understanding of God’s Word.  And God’s Word is accepted, by a society, only through much prayer & intercession from those that believe!

The fight is always about faith. It’s faith or fear – belief or denial.   And when an individual, family, church or nation begins to wane from it’s beliefs, it will slide into a pattern of assumption. And when it begins to operate in assumption, eventually it will deny all its beliefs!

When one generation fails to communicate proper Biblical beliefs, the vicious cycles continues.  Here’s the pattern; one generation believes, the next generation assumes and the third generation denies


Where are you at?


  1. Jalina on December 10, 2011 at 10:19 PM

    Pastor, I am in the belief generation, there is nothing else for me at this time. I must continue to believe and have faith that GOD’s Word is alive and that His promises over my life will come to pass. Believing gives me the strength to do my best to love on others and represent who Jesus is. It is a daily work done by the mercy and grace of God.

  2. januel on December 10, 2011 at 11:15 PM

    I think that the God wants us to assunm all the blessing he has in store for us.

  3. Manny on December 10, 2011 at 11:49 PM

    Well Pastor we need to believe on the word and we know the word will be real. we know that we can’t assume on the word of God and we will never fall on deny.

  4. mario on December 12, 2011 at 3:53 PM

    The principle is that Christianity is one generation away from extinction. If we fail to communicate the message of the Gospel and the proper doctrines of christian living to the next generation. We will injure the church in general, because we are all call to make a difference and be an impact to someone. And that someone is the next generation. We can’t assume that just because we brought someone to Jesus, he will know how to walk with God. We most disciple and teach our peers and the people under us. This is always been an important call to the church, to properly communicate to the next generation.