I’m trying to learn to navigate through the waters of change. It’s not an easy task to say the least. The implementation of change is as difficult as accepting change. It’s obvious that change occurs in the mind before it’s manifested in the natural; but the process of manifesting change can be quite daunting.
I’m learning that when the Lord begins to lead you into a direction of change, its concept must be contained in a new environment. It’s what Jesus was talking about… new wine must be stored in new wineskins. If new wine were stored in an old wineskin, the old wineskin would burst wasting the new wine! Luke 5:33-39
What’s difficult with me is NOT processing the concept of a new direction rather the placement of the new in a new wineskin or mental culture. Unfortunately, we all tend to hold on to our old concepts and old ways of doing things – we all have our “sacred cows.” This switch is much needed in order to contain and manifest change. This is where I am currently… But I feel we will make it and it’s going to be great! GOOD TIMES!
Pastor Manny
Good times are coming the change is needed. God’s will be done. Continue to stand strong and moving forward.
Well its true that if you put new wine in a old wineskin in will burst so we have to change the way we think and the way we do things if we want to get into the kingdom of God. so lets get ready and let God take you to a better place.
If we are expecting God to do something new, we need to allow Him to do all the way. We cannot hold back certain certain things. It is all or nothing. I cannot be in between.
It is very hard to make changes if you are unwilling to let go of old ways of doing things. I believe that once you are able to make that change mentally then it will be easier to make the change physically. I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do during this season we are entering into as a church.
Thank God for his Spirit. If He can save us from sin and hell He can also make all thing new. The only thing requested from us is a willing heart… which in the end of the day come from Him also…
Change does take a lot of physical work but for me it’s the change in the mind that takes the most dedication. With keeping God first in our plans MHC will accomplish both physical and mental changes together – we’re with you Pastor! We can do this!
It true change is not easy, but necessary in order to grow and be stretched in the Lord. I cant wait to see what God has placed in your heart to begin the growing process..
We should be excited. The Lord is at work in the corporate life of Miami Harvest Church, and the future of this ministry. Therefore He must also be at work in the lives and future of the Elders, and working His way to every covenant partner. This is a time to remember His promises, and barricade it within the perspective that His promises TO us are ultimately FOR His glory. So there are indeed no “sacred cows”. The one sacred thing to hold on to is His word; we are therefore willing to let everything else go.
We hear and confirm his word through prayer and intercession, private and corporate study, and unity in True fellowship. Onward Christian Soldiers!
We always tend to hold on to the old and the past and that makes moving forward hard. I have learnt that we must change ourselves before we can change our circle of influence and our region.
I am excited about the new changes at Miami Harvest church and the new changes in my personal life. May the changes take us one step closer to achieving destiny.
Chanage is sometimes difficult. I used to find it hard to deal with. I think that’s only because we may make it that way. I have learned to embrace change. I think there has to be a willingness for that change to occur. Change will occur whether we may want it too or not.
I remember when Bishop Tony Miller had a class in one of the sessions, I don’t remember where, but he mentioned that one of the biggest challenges of the church is to “relearn how to make church everyday”. I think we most always learn how to bring the message of the gospel in new ways to people, without changing the words or the teachings. And that is a big challenge.
Amen. Change must be embraced in all of us!!!
‘m ready to embrace whatever change that is implemented.