Old School vs New School

I still believe that the only thing that changes cities is the POWER of GOD!  We live in the age of postmodernism and the church is beginning to embraced it wholeheartedly.  There is nothing wrong with change.  I’m a firm believer that kingdom methods change with the culture but the message should NEVER change.

Postmodernism is an intentional departure from “modernist approaches” that had previously been prevailing.  This is currently happening at an incredible rate throughout our culture and in particular our churches.  And as churches, we’re finally beginning to learn to be more relevant to our ever-changing culture.

But here lies a problem in our churches.  In exchanging “old school” for “new school,” the message has been altered.  There’s been a distortion of our core values, theology and doctrine in order to be “relevant” and postmodern.

What I’m praying for is the wisdom to combine the two.  The center of our life is always ChristHe is the same yesterday, today and forever!  (Hebrews 13:8)  And our life should always be our message.  Therefore, this message needs a relevant method of communication for maximum receptivity.

Swinging too far on either side can be very detrimental.  Rejecting a postmodern approach will cause us to appear dated and out of touch with culture. But on the other hand, allowing the “relevancy to culture” to affect our core beliefs and message will dilute the power that comes from the Word of God.

We, as Impact Church,  have no problem being “postmodern.”  But now it’s time that we believe God for who He is in His Word and who we are in Him.   We will fight to prove that a MIRACLE WORKING GOD is still alive.  With that said, we’re conducting four miracle weekends this year. The first one is May 22nd.  Stuff like this isn’t popular in Miami.  But I believe there is a hunger for a “good ole’ fashioned” move of the Holy Spirit through sign and wonders and miracles. 

Join us!



  1. Jalina on May 6, 2011 at 7:27 PM

    After being part of God’s General’s Impact Group I see what you are saying. My question was always why not Florida? why not Florida? Why can there be a moved in Florida? I truly believe and have faith that it is coming and Impact Church is going to be a part of that history. We will be witnesses of Signs and Wonders. In expectation of what God is going to do on these weekends.

  2. januel on May 6, 2011 at 8:33 PM

    I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this weekend. It is going to be a awswome weekend.

  3. Manny on May 6, 2011 at 11:37 PM

    I like new school because it takes you to the next level and you can understand whats going on in the world.

  4. mario on May 16, 2011 at 8:20 AM

    Yes thats going to be awesome I can’t wait to hear the testimonies and see the miracles that God is going to demonstrate. I believe that miracles, signs and wonders have to come first before the teaching. Jesus and Paul first moved in signs and wonders and then they taught, because that way their words have value. Help us Lord to push toward the direction of a church known for miracles, signs and wonders.